
Creative Christmas Stockings

As an Island Batik Ambassador, this month we were challenged to make one or more Christmas Stockings. What a fun tradition Christmas Stockings are! Our family has always filled them up with fun little gifts that we could fit in the stocking. That was always the challenge: getting the right size gift that would fit in the stocking.

I used a couple of fabrics from Emperor’s Treasures collection along with some scraps I had, to go the more traditional red and green route.

I started my stocking by making a few key features I thought I would like on the front.

First, I made three simple Nine Patch blocks using one inch strips of two greens.

Second, I made a four inch Banded LeMoyne Star using my Studio 180 Design Rapid Fire LeMoyne Star tool and the Technique Sheet, also by Studio 180 Design. Then I put a one inch sashing around the star in red.

If you love the Studio 180 Design tools as I do, be sure to check out the Technique Sheets that show you how to make even more designs once you learn the basics of the tool.

The final design element, I made using the Migrating Geese Technique Sheet. I did make it even smaller (1 1/2″ wide) than the smallest size (3 inch wide) by taking 1 inch off all the cutting sizes. If you want to do that, just go down 1″ on all the Cut Sizes on the chart.

Once I had my design elements made, I simply added strips of the green background fabric to make a shape larger than my hand drawn stocking pattern.

I then added a piece of Hobbs Thermore Batting, a thin polyester batting perfect for quilting my stocking. I used a Schmetz Microtex needle for quilting, with a variety of Aurifil thread colors.

I lined my stocking with Spider Mum Green from the Emperor’s Treasure collection, and made a loop out of the background fabric.

Now I just need to start looking for those small packages to fill it up!

Disclosure: The products in this post were provided by Island Batik, Hobbs Batting, Aurifil Thread & Schmetz Needles

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